Unfortunately, every year many individuals suffer serious and debilitating back injuries while aboard vessels, towboats, barges, and even in port. Back injuries are caused by many different types of activities and occupations. If you or someone you love has suffered a back injury as a seaman, you have rights under the Jones Act and under general maritime law that may offer you the opportunity to seek financial compensation.
At the Dysart Law Firm, our team helps individuals injured in the nation’s inland waters and river ways obtain compensation for injuries that occurred at work. Some of the most common injuries associated with back injuries include head injuries, neck injuries, and spinal cord injuries. Injuries to an individual’s back can vary significantly in severity, and can result in a lifelong disability if appropriate medical care is not provided.
Many types of accidents can lead to back injuries. In some cases, a single event did not cause the injury in the back. Instead, the back injury is a result of continuous or repetitive heavy lifting associated with the duties a seaman performs on a daily basis.
Other causes of back injury include falls, such as slipping on a slippery surface, tripping over unstable machinery or equipment, or falling from a height on a towboat or barge. A falling object can also cause a person to suffer a serious, crushing back injury. If a back injury is severe enough, it can not only cause damage to the muscles surrounding the spinal column or back, or can damage the spinal cord, risking paralysis.
When you choose to work with the personal injury team at the Dysart Law Firm, P.C., you will receive quality legal representation. If you or someone you love has suffered serious or even fatal injuries in a marine accident please act quickly and call my law firm. We can provide you with information as to your rights and how you can maximize your settlement or legal recovery.