Chemicals have become a part of our everyday lives. Some are harmless and improve our quality of life. While others may pose a threat to our health. Benzene is one...
Chemicals are abundant in the production of products we use every day, from the plastic water bottles we drink from to the fuel we put in our cars. The bi-products...
VA decides to grant “presumptive status” for benzene groundwater contamination at Camp Lejeune 3 illnesses—acute myelogenous leukemia, angiosarcoma of the liver, and kidney cancer, will be granted presumptive status Those...
The fracking industry can be extremely hazardous for its workers, including those in Missouri and Illinois, something which seems clear when taking a look at safety statistics. One study released...
EPA apparently backs down from investigating groundwater contamination cases Groundwater contamination can include exposure to dangerous chemical benzene Benzene exposure can be linked to spina bifida, other birth defects Spina...
Americans consume vast amounts of gasoline each year, in the neighborhood of 137 billion gallons annually. Benzene, a natural constituent crude oil it is also present in my refined petroleum products...
Study seems to demonstrate groundwater contamination in another state Dangerous chemicals like benzene and ethyl benzene detected in samples Could hydraulic fracturing (fracking) be to blame for contamination? The presence...
Several studies indicate that maternal benzene exposure can lead to an increased risk of unborn babies developing spina bifida, one of several types of neural tube defects (NTDs). NTDs occur...
Over the past few years, cleanup of a former plant used for coal-gasification has been ongoing in an Illinois town. The environmental cleanup project is being conducted under the watchful...
Many experts agree that benzene, a chemical found in gasoline, can be a carcinogen and that even relatively small amounts of benzene exposure can cause leukemia if that exposure is...