Americans consume vast amounts of gasoline each year, in the neighborhood of 137 billion gallons annually. Benzene, a natural constituent crude oil it is also present in my refined petroleum products such as gasoline. Benzene was categorized as a carcinogen some time ago by the Environmental Protection Agency posing a risk to users. A group of scientists might have developed a solution to remove the benzene in gasoline and eliminate the risk.
Scientists associated with Northwestern University may have developed a catalyst that can actually remove benzene from the other aromatics. This new catalyst is a revolutionary development considering that it could make gasoline much safer for both consumers and those who work in or live around gasoline refineries. The scientists believe that their catalyst will be an inexpensive method of removing the dangerous benzene in gasoline. In fact, the process reportedly makes the gasoline cleaner and more efficient.
The team has spent nearly two years conducting research and experiments related to benzene hydrogenation. The catalyst they developed has been described as an “organometallic” molecule and is actually composed of a simple, affordable metal rather than a much costlier platinum metal. One of the scientists who was involved has stressed just how much this will allow the industry to keep the cost of gasoline down even while making it much safer for consumers and workers.
It does still remain to be seen whether gasoline manufacturers will embrace this new technology. In the meantime, millions of gallons of the more dangerous, benzene-containing fuel are still being used. Our firm is committed to helping those who have been injured due to benzene exposure. We have fought some of the world’s largest corporations to obtain compensation for victims of corporate negligence. If you or a loved one have been injured due to benzene exposure contact us at 888.586.7041.